You can install an SSL certificate on your Linux Hosting Package with these 5 easy steps:
Before you proceed, ensure you get a Dedicated IP for your Linux Hosting. If you’ve already got one, read on.
Step 1: Generate a Private Key
Login to cPanel
Click on SSL/TLS Manager in the Security section
Click on Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys under Private Keys (KEY)
Set the Key Size to 2,048 bits
You can leave the Description blank
Click on Generate
That’s it. You’ve generated the KEY for the SSL
Step 2: Generate a Public Key (Certificate Signing Request)
Click on Return to SSL Manager
Click on Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests under Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
Select the Key you’ve generated
Enter your domain name for which you’d like to install SSL
Note - If you’d like to install the certificate for, enter the in this field and not just -
Fill in your company details along with the email address
Set a random alphanumeric Passphrase (For example - abc123)
You can leave the Description blank
Click on Generate
Copy & Paste the Encoded Certificate Signing Request into a notepad file
That’s it. You generated the CSR for the SSL
Step 3: Enrolling the Certificate
If you’ve got your SSL or Digital Certificate from us, refer this article to enroll your certificate.
If you’ve got it from another provider, you can contact them to enroll the certificate using the CSR that you’ve generated
Step 4: Upload the Certificate
Login to cPanel
Click on SSL/TLS Manager in the Security section
Click on Generate, view, upload, or delete SSL certificates under Certificates (CRT)
You can leave the Description blank
Click on Save Certificate
Just a few more steps to go, we promise.
Step 5: Installing the Certificate
Click on Return to SSL Manager
Click on Manage SSL sites under Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)
Select your domain name from the drop down for which you’ve uploaded the certificate
Click on Autofill by Domain
Now based on your Digital Certificate purchase, you need to copy(all 3 certificates on page) the Certificate Authority Bundle (CA Bundle) using the links given below:
For Positive SSL: Positive SSL CA bundle
For Comodo SSL: Comodo SSL CA bundle
For Postive SSL Wildcard: Positive SSL Wildcard -
Replace it with the existing Certificate Authority Bundle: (CABUNDLE) that you see on the cPanel
Click on Install Certificate
Click on OK
That’s it and you’re done. Give it about an hour for the changes to reflect and you’ll see your website resolving on https