Varnish is a Web Application Accelerator which is used to Cache Static Content such as Images, CSS and HTML. It is used to increase the Performance of High Traffic Websites.
How do I enable Varnish?
Follow the steps below to enable Varnish for your website:
Step 1: Login to the cPanel of the domain name for which you wish to enable Varnish.
Step 2: Enable Varnish.
Click on Manage Varnish under the Web Accelerator section.
Click on Enable Varnish.
Click on Confirm Action.
How do I purge the Varnish cache?
You can purge the cache by clicking on Purge Cache under Action next to any domain.
How do I disable Varnish?
Follow the steps below to disable Varnish for your website:
Step 1: Login to the cPanel of the domain name for which you wish to disable Varnish.
Step 2: Disable Varnish.
Click on Manage Varnish under the Web Accelerator section.
Click on Disable Varnish.
Click on Confirm Action.
- Varnish is currently available only on the Shared Linux hosting servers based in the US.
- Websites requiring dynamic content might not display correct content when Varnish is enabled.
- Sites running on https will not be served by Varnish.
- Analytics and logs of websites with Varnish enabled may not show complete data.
- Changes made to the website might not show up till cache has been manually purged or stored cache on the server expires.
- The default cache expiry for Varnish is 15 minutes.
- If your website does not work as intended, it’s recommended that you immediately disable Varnish for the affected domain name.