Dear Customer,

As part of our efforts to upgrade the cPanel Shared Hosting platform, we are excited to announce the following improvements and changes which will come into effect from 01/03/2020:



  • Upgrade to cPanel v86: You will soon be upgraded to the latest cPanel Long Term Support (LTS) version. This new version brings with it many exciting updates to make your server more stable and faster;

  • Better stability: In an effort that has been going on for more than a year, we have been making many incremental changes to our hardware and software architecture to make your server more stable. This has resulted in a dramatic reduction in downtimes and instability issues, and we don’t plan on stopping here; and

  • Faster websites: Just as with stability, we are working towards making your website faster with each passing day. You can definitely look forward to much better speeds in 2020.


  • Deprecation of PHP 5.2 and 5.3: The PHP community has stopped supporting 5.2 and 5.3 PHP versions a few years ago. However, given that some of our esteemed customers were still using these PHP versions, we continued to provide support. However going forward, to maintain better security standards on our server, we will not be offering our support to customers using 5.2 and 5.3 PHP versions on all our cPanel servers. In case you are still using 5.2 and 5.3 PHP versions, we request that you upgrade your website to run on at least PHP version 5.4 and above;

  • Deprecation of SquirrelMail: As community support for this email plug-in has been rescinded, we too will stop offering/supporting SquirrelMail on our cPanel servers. Hence, going forward, You can continue accessing your email via Roundcube or Horde clients. Any contacts you might have saved in SquirrelMail will also be visible in both email clients. No data will be lost in this deprecation. Kindly note that there will NOT be any service downtime or migration of your emails;

  • Deprecation of Attracta SEO plugin: The Attracta plugin is a third party service which we offered on our cPanel servers. Since this plugin has multiple security vulnerabilities, we will be deprecating this plugin;

  • Change in Backup policy: We are updating our backup policy to now store restore points from the previous day, previous week, and previous month. These backups will be much more secure, as they would be stored in a different geography. As before, these backups are simply maintained for disaster recovery purposes, and cannot be guaranteed as a service to our customers.

Monday, February 3, 2020

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