1. Login to your Webmail.
2. Post login, click on 'Auto Responder' which is visible below the 3 email suites.
3. Click on Add Auto Responder.
4. Keep the character set to default value.
5. Under Interval mention the number for hours to wait between responses to the same email address.
6. Under From Enter Name of the email account user.
7. Set a Subject for the auto responder.
8. If you have html content in your message, tick the box for HTML.
9. Type in the content for the auto responder under Body.
10. If you'd like to start the auto responders on a particular date, tick custom and select the date else select Immediately.
11. If you'd like to stop the auto responders on a particular date, tick custom and select the date else select Never to turn it off manually.
12. Click on 'Create/Modify'.

That’s it, the autoresponder will now inform people that you can't reply to your emails for sometime.