- Click Services> My Services
- Choose hosting plan and click on the plan
- Click on Web Hosting or cPanel
- Click on Port 80
![Web Hosting](https://image.prntscr.com/image/zkIZ0pO5TyatpGZOriZZww.png)
- Click on Unblock Port
![Port 80](https://image.prntscr.com/image/5Y0f2_trRpixq1oBVgFc8A.png)
Our scanners will now scan your website and automatically unblock the port if your files are clean. The below message will appear in your cPanel interface on a successful unblock.
![Port 80](https://image.prntscr.com/image/rAE8qjvtRr23FJUp-KT6Bw.png)
Important: Please ensure that you upgrade all vulnerable plug-ins and themes in your CMS or remove all pirated ones and use an alternate plug-in or theme which is not vulnerable. In addition to that, kindly re-install your CMS to the latest version immediately, so that you do not face this issue again.