First, Login to Virtuozzo Power panel
Step 2
Click the System Processes link in the left sidebar.

The is the System Processes page, where you can manage specific processes that are running in your VPS. On this page, a list of all processes currently running in your VPS is displayed.There are several commands you can send to some, or all of these processes.
You can sort the processes using various fields. For instance, if you want to sort the processes using the memory , click on %MEM

There are several signals using with which we can manage the processes. The list below summarizes what each signal will do to a process :-
SIGHUP - This is the signal used to let a process know that its controlling terminal is closed or its controlling process is terminated.
SIGTERM - This is the generic signal to end a process. This is the best way to give the process a chance for an orderly shutdown and proper data saving
SIGCONT- This is a signal that instructs a process to resume from a paused state.
SIGSTOP- This is a signal that pauses a running process, to resume at a later time.
SIGINT - This is the generic signal used to immediately interrupt a process. This is very similar to SIGKILL, with the difference that a process can ignore or otherwise handle this signal.
SIGKILL - unconditionally kills the process; Sending SIGKILL to any process removes any chance for it to do a tidy cleanup and shut down, which might have unfortunate consequences.
You would first select the process (or processes) you wish to send a signal to by clicking the box to the left of the process, then select the signal you wish to send from this drop-down menu, then click Send Signal. For instance, if you want to kill a process, follow the below steps :-
1. Select the process you want to kill

2. Select the signal from dropdown list

3. Click on Send Signal