Sincronización de carpetas de correo Blackberry con Outlook

This article shows you how to Sync your BlackBerry Mail with Outlook.

By default, the BlackBerry will only sync items which are stored in your Inbox wirelessly. If you have set up server-side rules in Outlook to send e-mail to a subfolder other than your Inbox or you move a message from the Inbox to another folder then it will disappear from your BlackBerry. Although the BlackBerry does have a feature where you can show the folders on the server, it will not sync messages in those folders by default. You must configure the BlackBerry to sync subfolders.

Only messages received after you perform the following steps will sync to your BlackBerry. Any messages filed previously will not be stored on the BlackBerry handheld even after you set the folder redirection properties.

1) On your Blackberry home screen, click Messages.

2) Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Reconcile Now. This will ensure that you have a full list of all current Email folders on your Blackberry.

3) Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Options.

4) Scroll down and click on Email Settings.

5) Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Folder Redirection. (This may take a while to load if you have a lot of folders.)

6) Scroll down to 'Mailbox - Your Name'.

7) If you want to sync all of your Outlook folders (except Deleted Items)...

** Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Select All..

** Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Save..

8) If you want to select which Outlook folders to sync to your Blackberry...

** Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then scroll down and click Expand to see a list of folders..

** Scroll down to each folder you want to sync and hit the Space key to select it.

** If the folder has sub-folders then the Space key won't select it, you'll have to click the trackwheel to bring down the menu then click Change Option.

** If the folder you want to click on has a + sign next to it, click the trackwheel to bring down the menu then click Expand to see a list of subfolders.

** Once you've finished selecting the folders you want to sync, click the trackwheel to bring down the menu then click Save.

9) Hit the Escape key on the Blackberry (located just under the trackwheel) to return to the Messages list.

10) IMPORTANT: Any time you add a new folder on the server that you want to sync to your Blackberry, you must use this procedure to select it for synchronization. By default the folder will not sync. Remember to perform this procedure BEFORE you move messages into this folder if you want them to be visible on your Blackberry.

11) To view your filed messages...

** In the Blackberry Messages screen, click the trackwheel then click View Folder.

** Scroll down and highlight the folder you wish to view.

** Click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then click Select Folder.

** If no messages are there (and you know some have been put there since you configured the folder for wireless sync, click the trackwheel to pull up the menu then click Reconcile Now.

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