Email settings on Android phone

Setting up your email on Android Phone is super easy and will not take you more than 5 minutes. So let's do it:

1. Tap on the Application Menu Icon on the Home Screen

Email Setup on Android Phone

2. Tap on the Email application

Email Setup on Android Phone

3. Select the Account Type. (We recommend you to go for "IMAP account". It keeps your emails in sync with the server)

Email Setup on Android Phone

4. Enter your Email address and Password & Click Next

Email Setup on Android Phone

5. Ensure you have your complete email address as Username

6. Enter your Email Password

7. Enter the 'IMAP server' as (If you want to use POP account type, set the POP server as


  • If you have a Linux Hosting package, Incoming mail server will be
  • If you have a Windows Hosting package, Incoming mail server will be

8. Set the Port number as 143 (If you want to use POP account type, set the Port number as 110)

9. Tap Next

Email Setup on Android Phone

10. Enter the 'SMTP server' as


  • If you have a Linux Hosting package, Outgoing mail server will be
  • If you have a Windows Hosting package, Outgoing mail server will be

11. Set the Port number as 587

12. Set the Security type to None

13. Tick on Require sign-in

14. Tap Next

Email Setup on Android Phone

15. Set the Email check frequency according to your preference. If you need instant notification for emails, you may select the least value (for example - Every 5 minutes)

16. Tap Next

Email Setup on Android Phone

17. Give an Account name

18. Enter Your name

19. Tap Done
Email Setup on Android Phone

Bingo! You are all set to use your emails on your Android Phone

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