1. On the Home screen, Swipe down and tap on Settings
2. Tap Accounts.
3. Select Add Account.
4. Select Email, Calendar and Contacts.

5. Enter your Email Address and tap Next.

6. Enter your Password – tap on the ‘eye’ icon to reveal the password to make sure it's entered correctly.

7. Tap Next and your settings should be automatically detected.
8. Press Advanced at the bottom of the screen.

9. Select the Account Type tab - IMAP or POP (We recommend you to go for "IMAP". It keeps your emails in sync with the server)

10. You'll need to fill in a few details next:
Description: Set a description such work or personal to identify the account.
Display name: Enter your name or email address
Username / Email address: Enter your complete email address for both fields.
Password: Your email account password.
Server Address: imap.yourdomain / pop.yourdomain
For the Linux Hosting package, Incoming mail server will be mail.yourdomain. For example: mail.demomonkey.org
For Windows Hosting package, Incoming mail server will be yourdomain. For example: demomonkey.org
Port : POP - 110 / IMAP -143
11. Keep SSL off.

12. For Outgoing Settings, the SMTP Username should be your complete email address.
13. Enter your email account password.
14. For Outgoing Settings, enter smtp.yourdomain as the server address.
- For Linux Hosting package, Outgoing mail server will be mail.yourdomain. For example: mail.demomonkey.org
- For Windows Hosting package, Outgoing mail server will be yourdomain. For example: demomonkey.org
15. Set Outgoing Port number to 587.
16. Keep Use SSL or Encryption setting Off.

17. The Sync Interval and Initial Retrieval Amount can be set to your own preference where sync interval would be the time period after which the device will sync with the server to fetch new emails.
18. Initial retrieval amount is the number of days that you want to a particular mail to appear on the Blackberry client. Post the duration it won’t be deleted but would not appear among other mails.
19. Tap Done to complete your set up.
That’s it. You are all set to use your email account on your Blackberry.