URL is very useful command line tool to transfer data from or to a server. cURL supports various...
7 consejos básicos para mejorar la seguridad de ApacheApache is the most popular and most used web server in the world, and it is the first web server...
Acceder a su VPS o Servidor Dedicado utilizando SSHWhat is Secure Shell (SSH)?Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol typically used...
Administración básica de base de datos MySQL en un VPS/Server LinuxMySQL is one of the most popular relational database management systems (RDBMS). It is...
Agregar una cuenta de hosting en WHMPara crear una cuenta en WHM , primero tiene que añadir un paquete. Una vez que tengas añadido tu...
CPHulk configuration and unlock your IPBrute force is an attack (hacking) method that involves using an automated system to guess the...
CSF - Instalación y configuración del cortafuegosThe CSF (ConfigServer) firewall is a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion...
Change the IP address of the exim interfaceYour server's main/shared IP address may get blacklisted by one or many RBLs due to a variety of...
CloudLinux installation & configuration of LVEManager & CagefsThe process below explains how to install CloudLinux on your server1. Download the cldeploy...
Comandos básicos del shell después de la conexión de SSHWith the rise of control panels over the years administering a server has become less challenging...
Configuration / Adding a secondary / new IP address on a CentOS / RedHat serverIf you have cPanel, then you can add additional IP addresses on the server by accessing the WHM...
Configure the Odoo 8 subdomain filtering on a VPS / Server LinuxOdoo in one of the most commonly used business applications at the moment. It can be configured...
Consejos de seguridad para su servidorHere are a few easy tips on how to improve the stability and security of your Virtual Private...
Cortafuegos CSF y pasos para instalar el mismoThe CSF (ConfigServer) firewall is a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion...
Creación de un paquete en WHMCon WHM instalado en su alojamiento, se pueden crear varios sub-paquetes que luego se utilizar...
Cómo acelerar su sitio eCommerce MagentoMagento is a very popular and feature rich open source e-commerce web application. Magento is...
Cómo actualizar el software en un VPS/Server LinuxMany critical vulnerabilities are patched by the time they become public so if you do not update...
Cómo aplicar y revertir un parche de seguridad de Magento en un VPS/Server LinuxMagento is one of the most popular open-source eCommerce platforms and it is used by thousands of...
Cómo cambiar el puerto SSH predeterminado en un Linux VPS/ServerThere are many ways to secure your Linux vps/server. Changing the default SSH port from the...
Cómo comprobar si realmente existe una dirección de correo electrónicoIn this article, you’ll learn how to use the command line to verify whether a specific email...
Cómo crear y editar archivos en un Linux VPS/ServerOnce you are navigated to the newly created directory, create your first file using the touch...
Cómo encontrar un archivo en un VPS/Server LinuxUsing the command line on a Linux machine could be very uncomfortable, especially for the...
Cómo instalar Mahara en UbuntuMahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic portfolio. You can upload...
Cómo instalar Monitorix herramienta de supervisión del sistema en CentOS 6Monitorix is open-source, lightweight and at the same time very simple to use. To install this...
Cómo instalar ProjectSend en CentOS 6we will show you how to install ProjectSend on a Centos 6 VPS using Apache web server and MySQL...
Cómo instalar Suhosin en un VPS/Server LinuxSuhosin is an advanced protection system for scripts and the PHP core itself. It is an open...
Cómo instalar Virtualmin en un VPS/Server Linuxirtualmin is very flexible and powerful web hosting control panel for Linux and UNIX systems. It...
Cómo instalar y configurar AutoMySQLBackupAutoMySQLBackup is very useful utility for creating daily, weekly or monthly backups of one or...
Cómo instalar y usar WP-CLI en un Linux VPS/ServerWP-CLI is a command line interface for managing WordPress installations. WP-CLI provides a set of...
Cómo mostrar a todos los usuarios en MySQLThis is a common question most beginner MySQL users ask. We notice it all over the internet and...
Cómo utilizar EasyApache 3 en un Linux VPS / Servidor Dedicado con WHM / cPanelEasyApache is very useful software provided by WHM that can be used to install, modify, update,...
Cómo utilizar rsync en un Linux VPS/ServerRsync is a file-copying tool which allows you to copy or synchronize files and directories on a...
Estructura de directorios y archivos - LinuxDirectorio / Estructura de carpetasDe entre los varios directorios que se encuentran dentro de su...
How to Use Robots.txtWhat is the Purpose of the Robots File?When a search engine crawls (indexes) your website, the...
How to drop tables from a database in phpMyAdminThis article will demonstrate how to drop (permanently delete) tables from a database in...
How to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcachedToday we will show you how to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcached.APC...
How to install TicketsCAD on CentOSTickets CAD is a free open-source computer-aided dispatch (CAD) software and it is a part of the...
How to install Webasyst on CentOSWebasyst is an open source PHP framework used by web developers for creating sleek multi-user web...
How to protect WordPress on a VPS / Server LinuxMore than 60 million people use WordPress to run their websites or blogs. Having in mind its...
How to update a WordPress website through SSHKeeping your WordPress installation, plugins and themes up to date is very important. You have to...
Instalación de Tomcat en servidores no cPanelApache Tomcat is a opensource webserver product of Apache Foundation like Apache HTTP server. It...
Instalar Adminer en un VPS/Server CentOSAdminer is a database management tool written in PHP. It is similar to phpMyAdmin and it is...
Instalar Config Server Firewall en un VPS/Server LinuxSecurity is one of the most important things you need to consider if you have an online business....
Instalar Hiawatha en un Linux VPS/ServerHiawatha is an advanced, light and high-performance open source web server designed by Hugo...
Instalar InvoicePlane en un CentOSInvoicePlane is a self-hosted open source application for invoices, clients, quotes and payments...
Instalar LimeSurvey en un VPS/Server CentOSLimeSurvey (formerly PHPSurveyor) is an open source online survey application. It allows you to...
Instalar Moodle 3.0 en un Linux VPS/ServerMoodle is an all-in-one learning platform which is very flexible and highly customisable. It is...
Instalar PHP Composer en un VPS/Server de LinuxPHP is one of the most widely used programming languages for building web applications....
Instalar Softaculous Auto Installer en WHM/cPanelSoftaculous is an auto installer which allows you to install 350+ great scripts on your server....
Instalar y configurar la detección de malware de Linux en un VPS/Server CentOSLinux Malware Detect or just Maldet is free and open source malware scanner for Linux machines....
Instale Ruby on Rails con Apache y Passenger en CentOS 6Firts, lets create a new sudo user adduser newUser passwd newUser usermod -G wheel newUser...
Install PrestaShop on a VPS / Server CentOSPrestaShop is an open-source e-commerce solution which allows you to maintain your own online...
Install Python from Linux VPS / ServerPython is an open-source high-level programming language and at the same time, it is...
Install Zikula on a CentOS VPSZikula is an open source PHP application framework and CMS released under the GNU General Public...
Install mod_security with the OWASP core rule set on a CentOSMod_Security is free and open source web application firewall for Apache and Nginx. It is very...
Introduction to Linux log filesLearn about the log files when your system is running smoothly as understanding the log files...
Limitación de Email a través de WHMIt is important that you keep a check on the spam originating from your server by using some of...
Locations of common log files on cPanel serversEximExim is the MTA(Mail Transfer Agent) that cPanel utilizes. Exim has three primary logs, but...
Optimización de ApacheApache OptimizationThe efficiency with which Apache runs can greatly be improved with a few small...
Optimización de MySqlFor a basic level optimization of MySQL server you can use the MySLQ tuner script that is easily...
Optimización y reparación de bases de datos MySQL con mysqlcheckWe will talk about mysqlcheck which is a maintenance command line tool that allows you to check,...
Optimizing JoomlaJoomla is a popular CMS that is highly extensible and customizable. The following are suggestions...
Optimizing MagentoMagento is a very popular eCommerce application. It offers a great deal of customization and...
Optimizing WordpressWordpress is currently one of the most popular blogging/CMS applications. Here are some...
Optmods de EasyApacheThere have been many changes in the funtionality of cPanel over a couple of years. Some new...
PHP Cannot modify header informationWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at...
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $endEste error es causado por la falta de } usado en PHP para denotar el contenido que pertenece a...
Reconstrucción de Apache y PHP en WHMIf you’ve got a VPS or Dedicated Server with cPanel and would like to upgrade to the latest...
Reiniciar su VPS o servidor dedicadof you’d like to reboot your VPS or dedicated server after making any configuration changes or due...
Reparar tablas en MySQLTable corruption in MySQL is a very frequent issue. This primarily happens due to failed/forced...
What is DNS and how does it work?You’ve probably noticed how DNS is mentioned all over the Internet. Every website uses it and...
¿Cómo instalar Tomcat?Apache Tomcat is a opensource webserver product of Apache Foundation like Apache HTTP server. It...
¿Cómo instalar mod_evasive en los servidores de cPanel?mod_evasive is an Apache module to provide evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS...
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